The Book of You

woman in black and white floral shirt holding white plastic hair clip

It’s time to decipher your genetic code

Understanding your genetic profile and how your body likely processes key vitamins and minerals, is an important step in developing a healthy nutrition program. The DRC Genetics analysis is tailored to your unique genetic makeup, providing insights into areas for improvement and a personalized roadmap for optimization. Even if you eat a perfectly balanced diet with plenty of naturally occurring vitamins and minerals, most of us have some difficulty absorbing and metabolizing (breaking down) one or more nutrients at the cellular level. A simple mouth swab provides a comprehensive analysis of your genetic predisposition to absorbing micronutrients in your diet.


an abstract photo of a curved building with a blue sky in the background

What makes DRC-GX different?

Developed by Dr Christina Rahm, Bioscience Engineer, DRC-GX genetic testing is in a class of its own! This test focuses on significant, actionable genes and explores their influence on your everyday performance. In addition to the testing (shown below) you will also receive the "Book of You" providing a comprehensive analysis of your current health condition. And, going even a step further, you will receive the correlating Nutraceutical solutions that Dr Rahm has linked within the test!! Receiving not only the "problem" but also the "solution" makes DRC-GX stand apart from the rest!




Which Genes are tested?


DRC-GxNutrient – This comprehensive analysis will tell you about your genetic predisposition to absorbing micronutrients in your diet. It explains how your body is likely to process key vitamins and minerals and is an important step in developing a healthy nutritional program.

Genes Tested Vitamins

  • Vitamin A Tendency: BCMO1

  • Vitamin B6 Tendency: NBPF3

  • Vitamin B9 Folate-Tendency: MTHFR

  • Vitamin B12 Tendency: FUT2

  • Vitamin C Tendency: SLC23A1

  • Vitamin D Tendency: GC, NADSYN1, CYP2R1

  • Vitamin E Tendency: ZPR1, SCARB1, CYP4F2

  • Omega Levels: FADS, ELVOL2

Genes Tested Minerals

  1. Calcium Tendency: CASR, DGKD, GCKR, LINC00709, CARS, LOC105370176, CYP24A1

  2. Copper Tendency: SMIM1, SELENBP1

  3. Iron Tendency: TRF2, HFE, HFE, TMPRSS6

  4. Magnesium Tendency: MUC1, SHROOM3, TRPM6, DCDC5, ATP2B1, MECOM

  5. Phosphorous Tendency: ALPL, CSTA, IHPK3, PDE7B, C12orf4, IP6K3

  6. Selenium Tendency: DMGDH

  7. Zinc Tendency: CA1, PPCDC, LINC01420


DRC-GxPerform – This analysis provides health and performance management strategies that are tailored to your specific genotype. Revealing insights into muscle building, cardiovascular fitness, fat burning, and nutrient utilization. The GxPerform will also cover exercise motivation, caffeine sensitivity, recovery, inflammation, injury risk, and more.

Genes Tested Mental and Physical Foundation

  • Intrinsic Motivation to Exercise: BDNF

  • Addictive Behavior and Stimulus Control: DRD2

  • Power and Endurance Potential: ACTN3, AGT, IL-6, NOS3, ACE, FTO, IGF1, GNB3, IL-6174

  • Grip Strength and Muscular Fitness: TGFA, POLD3, ERP27, HOXB3, GLIS1, PEX14, LRPPRC, MGMT, SYT1, HLA, GBF1, KANSL1, SLC8A1, ACTG1, DEC1, IGFS98

Training Response

  • VO2 Max: AMPD1, APOE

  • Exercise Heart Rate Response: CREB1

  • Exercise Stroke Volume: KIF5B

  • Body Composition Response to Strength Training: NRXN3, GNPDA2, LRRN6C, PRKD1, GPRC5B, SLC39A8, FTO, FLJ35779, MAP2K5, QPCTL-GIPR, NEGR1, LRP1B, MTCH2, MTIF3, RPL27A, EC16B, FAIM2, FANCL, ETV5, TFAP2B

Fuel Utilization

  • Protein Utilization: FTO

  • Fat Utilization: PPARG, TCF7L2, APOA5, CRY2, MTNR1B, PPM1K

  • Carb Utilization: IRS1

  • Caffeine Metabolism: AHR, RP11-10017 3-001, ARID3B, CYP1A1

Recovery and Injury Risk

  1. Systemic Inflammation: CRP, APOC1 (APOE-CI-CII), HNF1A

  2. Injury Risk: SPTBN1, MEPE, SLC25A13, MBL2/DKK1, LRP5, C18orf19


DRC-GxSlim – A summary of insights into your genetic tendencies for weight loss, body fat response to diets, and exercise effects. The GxSlim analysis covers micronutrient status and potential health outcomes from regular exercise that is tailored for you.

Weight Loss Genes Tested

  • Metabolism: LEPR, CHRNA3, CRY21

  • Weight Loss Tendency: FTO TCF7L2, MTNR1B, PPARG, BDNF, ABCB11

  • Weight Regain: FTO PPARG, BDNF, NEGR1, TMEM18, KTCD15, GNPDA2

  • Satiety: FTO


  • Protein Utilization: FTO

  • Fat Utilization: PPARG, TCF7L2, APOA5, CRY2, MTNR1B, PPM1K

  • Carb Utilization: IRS1

Food Sensitivity

  • Gluten Sensitivity: HLA-DQ

  • Lactose Intolerance: MCM6

  • Caffeine Metabolism: AHR, RP11-10017 3-001, ARID3B, CYP1A1

  • Sweet Preference: FGF21, SLCA2

  • Bitterness Sensitivity: TAS2R38


  • Vitamin A Tendency: BCMO1

  • Vitamin B6 Tendency: NBPF3

  • Vitamin B9 Folate-Tendency: MTHFR

  • Vitamin B12 Tendency: FUT2

  • Vitamin C Tendency: SLC23A1

  • Vitamin D Tendency: GC, NADSYN1, CYP2R1


  1. Fat Loss Response to Cardio: ADRB2, LPL

  2. Fitness Response to Cardio: AMPD1, APOE

  3. Body Composition Response to Strength Training: NRXN3, GNPDA2, LRRN6C, PRKD1, GPRC5B, SLC39A8, FTO, FLJ35779, MAP2K5, QPCTL-GIPR, NEGR1, LRP1B, MTCH2, MTIF3, RPL27A, EC16B, FAIM2, FANCL, ETV5, TFAP2B

  4. Hdl Response to Cardio: APOE

  5. Insulin Sensitivity Response to Cardio: LIPC

  6. Glucose Response to Cardio: PPARG


DRC-GxRenew – An innovative healthy aging program that utilizes your genetic profile to provide nutrient, food, activity, and lifestyle recommendations to keep you looking and feeling young longer. GxRenew provides your genetic tendencies for the appearance of sun sensitivity, skin aging, skin glycation, facial aging, stretch marks, fat loss response to cardio, and body composition response to strength training. The test will also cover your genetic predisposition for intrinsic motivation to exercise, addictive behavior and stimulus control, impulse control and taster preferences with aging, sleep duration, and sugar intake.

Genes Tested LOOK

  • Sun Sensitivity: RF4, LOC105374875, NTM, TYR, HERC2, MC1R, CPNE7, MC1R, RPS2P1, ASIP

  • Skin Aging: IRF4, SPATA33, RALY/ASIP, BNC2

  • Skin Glycation: AGER, GLO1

  • Facial Aging: STXBP5L

  • Stretch Marks: ELN, SRPX, HMCN1, LOC105373353

  • Fat Loss Response to Cardio: ADRB2, LPL

  • Body Composition Response to Strength Training: NRXN3, GNPDA2, LRRN6C, PRKD1, GPRC5B, SLC39A8, FTO, FLJ35779, MAP2K5, QPCTL-GIPR, NEGR1, LRP1B, MTCH2, MTIF3, RPL27A, EC16B, FAIM2, FANCL, ETV5, TFAP2B


  • Intrinsic Motivation to Exercise: BDNF

  • Addictive Behavior and Stimulus Control: DRD2

  • Impulse Control and Taste Preference with Aging: FTO

  • Sleep Duration: ABCC9, LOC101927400, DRD2

  • Sugar Intake: SLC2A2, GLUT2


  1. Mental Acuity: APOE, BDNF

  2. Age Related Hearing Loss: GRM7

  3. Longevity: FOXO3, APOC1 (APOE-CL-CII)

  4. Fitness Response to Cardio: AMPD1, APOE

  5. Systemic Inflammation: CRP, APOC1 (APOE-CL-CII), HNF1A

  6. Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Tendency: FADS1-2

  7. Cholesterol Response to Dietary Fat: LIPC

  8. Insulin Response to Dietary Fat: FTO, PPM1K

  9. Triglyceride Response to Cardio: CYYR1, GLT8D2, RBFOX1, ZNF385D

  10. Lactose Intolerance: MCM6

  11. Calcium Tendency: CASR, DGKD, GCKR, LINC00709, CARS, LOC105370176, CYP24A1

  12. Copper Tendency: SMIM1, SELENBP1

  13. Magnesium Tendency: MUC1, SHROOM3, TRPM6, DCDC5, ATP2B1

  14. Selenium Tendency: DMGDH

  15. Zinc Tendency: CA1, PPCDC, LINC01420


DRC-GxCBD – A comprehensive explanation that delves into CBD metabolism, systemic inflammation, sleep duration, pain tolerance, stress tolerance, alcohol sensitivity, and chronotype.

Genes Tested

  1. CBD Metabolism: CYP3A4, CYP2C9, CYP2C19

  2. Systemic Inflammation: CRP, APOC1 (APOE-CI-CII), HNF1A

  3. Sleep Duration: ABCC9, LOC101927400, DRD2

  4. Pain Tolerance: COMT

  5. Stress Tolerance: PDE4B

  6. Alcohol Sensitivity: ADH1C, ADH1B, ALDH2



DRC-GxCannabis – An in-depth explanation covering THC metabolism, cognitive function, impulse behavior, pain tolerance, stress tolerance, sleep quality, and lifetime cannabis use probability.

Genes Tested

  • THC Metabolism: CYP2C9

  • Cognitive Impairment: COMT

  • Impulsive Behavior: CADM2

  • Pain Tolerance: COMT

  • Stress Tolerance: PDE4B

  • Sleep Quality: MEIS1, PAX8, PDE11A, PHF7, FOXL2

Lifetime Cannabis Use: CADM2